deKay's Lofi Gaming

Missile Command (360)

Wow! There are 25 of us super-secret Missile Command players now! It’s an amazing elite club. Bet you’re all well jealous. Sadly, I’m not Best In The World any more. In fact, I was 5th. Tch. However, I did improve on my 29,500-ish score to reach 45,000-ish – putting me back up to second! Hurrah!

Missile Command (360)

This isn’t due for another two days, but a glitch in the Xbox Live Arcade banners allowed me and (at the time of typing) 13 other people access to downloading it. And so, for the first time ever, I managed to be top of a leaderboard on an Xbox 360 game. A leaderboard of 14 people, but still – there I am: As for the game itself, well – it’s pretty good. It works surprisingly well with the pad (although …

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …

The Simpsons Game (360)

Started, played, and completed the Grand Theft Scratchy level. It was OK, although a little repetitive. Once again however, the references improve things tenfold. There’s the way the level starts in a close-enough replica of Grove Street from GTA San Andreas. Then there’s the Missile Command subgame. And the fact that Poochy is the end of level boss. And, of course, Marge yelling “all my bitches” and stuff. Amaze.

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 2

May May was more varied than previous months this year.¬¨‚Ć There was Eledees and Wing Island on the Wii, Crackdown, Lego Star Wars II and Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland on the 360, and the amazing Ouendan 2 on the DS, as well a plethora of 360 demos, XBLA games, and Wii VC titles. I struggled with the original NES Castlevania (on the VC) for a while too, and never did manage to complete it.¬¨‚Ć It’s just too hard! June Oh …

Carcassonne (Demo) (360)

It’s a boardgame. And, after playing the tutorial, it all seems horribly confusing. However, after playing one game proper, it has clicked and is actually very simple. And very good it is too, so I suspect I’ll be buying this tomorrow. I just need some more points as I spent the last of them on Missile Command…

I am bestest in the world!

Ph33r me and my 1337 Missile Command skillz! I’m top of the Xbox Live leaderboard, on just my second go. Uh, however… The thing is, the game isn’t out yet. Not until Wednesday. Some glitch seems to have allowed me and (currently) 13 other people access to it. So I’m best in the world. It’s just a somewhat small world, consisting of 14 Missile Command players who got the game by accident.

Atarimix Happy 10 Games

Yes, it really is called that. This DS compilation of 10 old Atari arcade games came out a while ago, but was on offer at Play Asia for under a tenner (when I ordered, at least). I knew it was pretty crap, especially the bonus “remix” versions of the games, redone with “hip” graffiti-style graphics and stuff, but my jaw hit the floor when I realised just how awful they were. Played each and every one of the games, in …

Taito Legends

Been playing this a bit this morning. Colony 7 was much like Missile Command, only sans missiles, and Elevator Action was fun despite the controls being somewhat unresponsive. Gladiator was more than poor, and Great Swordsman was good, if a little hard. However, I did also spend a while playing The Ninja Kids…

Atari Anthology

Played this for the first time today. It’s a collection of some 65 or so Atari 2600 games, and 15 or so Atari arcade games. The bizarre side-effect of this, is that there are two versions of many games (such as Pong, Battlezone and Asteroids). Anyway, I played Adventure (and completed it on Level 2) mainly to see if I could remember the routes through the mazes. I could, but I seemed to be far crapper at the game than …

Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails (Wii U)

A very nice person out there sent me a copy of this for my birthday, which luckily I received just a couple of hours before I was going to buy it anyway. Phew, eh? A few years ago, probably when I got my free subscription to PS+ for that Sony hacking thing that happened just as I got my PS3, I played a game called “The 2D Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character”. You were an octopus that stuck to platforms …

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Mission 18. A long narrow map, with two armies under my control – one on the bottom half of the map, one on the top – separated by a mountain range. On the far right (cloaked in Fog of War nastiness) was the Black Hole HQ. It was MUCH easier than I expected it to be, however. They did introduce another enemy unit (Oozium, which eats any ground unit in one go and is virtually indestructable), but it could only …